14th April 2021
South coast care home
Harris Irwin is pleased to be able to release our first images for our developing design for a new 60-bedroom care home on the south coast.
We were appointed as architects for the project for the Highwood Group. Working closely with a multi-talented team of consultants, a reserve matters application has been submitted for the new care home, parking and landscaped gardens which will provide a high quality environment and much needed care provision for the local community.
In addition the application also addresses the access provision for the wider care village which is part of the original outline consent.
The proposal has been carefully designed to ensure the building and site provides the sufficient environment and services for the homes operation, whilst siting sympathetically in its local and wider setting. Located on the edge of the South Downs National park and in close proximity to a Grade II listed property the design acknowledges both in a manner that respectfully preserves the character of both. Details and materials have been selected from the local vernacular and in particular the listed building which have been applied to the traditional form of the building.
The siting and heights of the building have been carefully proposed though a collaborative engagement with the landscape architect, to not only reduce the impact on the listed property but also the views from the neighbouring south downs into the site. Tree planting has been thoughtfully positioned to ensure that the views into the site are broken to provide only glimpses of the building and to assist in breaking the scale of the building up.
Harris Irwin eagerly await further news on the application and are looking forward to progressing with the build in the coming year.